The African Music Hub is a global portal for African Music with the latest news, links to sites, information, discussion, CDs and Books. Using our Webring visit all the best African Music Sites.  
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For advanced web developers only

It is possible to use alternative html instead of Yahoo's provide SSNB. These are the steps.

Firstly,  you will need the site ID number assigned to you by the ring. You'll see it in the application confirmation email.  For example, in the first part of the long URL given to you, look for: 

In the example given, the number represented above in red (100) would be your site ID number, make note of it. Alternatively, you can find it by installing the Yahoo SSNB and when it is up and running on your page mouse over the next or prev buttons and in your browsers lower left hand corner you should see the command that it executes, which will be a line as indicated above.

Alternative HTML 1.

Html1 Source

Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Command-s).

Edit code in your editor,  change all information that appears  in red to support your site; insert your site id number,  in place of "--id--".

If your page uses frames, please make sure you have the TARGET="_top" parameter in every link from the ring code to prevent other sites loading into your frame.


Or enter that number in the form below and click "Get HTML Fragment". Copy the fragment from the next page and paste it on your site and make no changes to it.

Ring ID:
Site ID #:  
Thanks to Phil Preen for hosting the custom code generator.

Alternative HTML 2.

African Music Webring Logo Image Next Site Image
Previous Site Image
- this African Music Webring site owned by Your Name -
 prev | random| list all| home| next

Get the three graphic images from the Gallery  ( we hope to have more choices soon ) and upload them to your site as "africamus.gif", the main image, and "afnext.gif" as well as "afprev.gif" for the next and previous links. Add the following HTML text (the code fragment) into your homepage somewhere. You can copy and paste it into your editor.

Note: Frame users may submit the URL of their frame document, while the code fragment must be on the page first loaded into the main frame.

Html2 Source

Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Command-s).

Edit code in your editor,  change all information that appears above in red to support your site; insert your site id number,  in place of "--id--", "Your Name" and

If your page uses frames, please make sure you have the TARGET="_top" parameter in every link from the ring code to prevent other sites loading into your frame.



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